La primavera, la sangre altera. Y el mar se viste de gala. Y parece que en Cabo de Palos todo se multiplica. Los meros, los espetones, los abadejos... Bueno, un festival de vida acuática. Pero no sólo el azul, las pocas veces que miraba a las rocas, me sorprendía la cantidad de nudibranquios y flabelinas recién nacidos que veía. La temporada promete!!
Gracias a todos los que habéis seguido leyendo y conociendo este blog. A partir de ahora, espero poder actualizar con nuevas inmersiones. Ah, y gracias al Centro de Buceo Mangamar y en especial a Salva por guiarnos en estas inmersiones tan estupendas!!
One of the most difficult parts of being unemployed is that I can not dive as often as I'd like. But last weekend, has been so good, that I forgot everything else.
There is an Spanish saying: "The spring, blood alters", referring to humans, but the sea is altered too, and is dressed for a party. And in Cape Palos, everything multiplies itself. Groupers, barracudas... It is a party of aquatic life. But not only in the blue of the sea, the few occasions I looked at the rocks, I was very surprised with so many nudibranches early born. This season is going to be so good!
Thanks for all of you that have been reading and knowing my blog. From now on, I would like to update it with new dives. And thanks a lot to Mangamar Dive Center, specially thanks to Salva, for guiding us in such awesome dives!!
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