Ya lo he dicho muchas veces, pero el Cantábrico me resulta un mar muy divertido, y además es una oportunidad de ver una gran variedad de vida.
Hace una semana, de nuevo estuvimos buceando con Buceo Pedreña, la verdad es que no hubo mucha suerte con la visibilidad, pero a pesar del mar de fondo tuve oportunidad de tomar alguna instantánea curiosa. Aquí os las dejo. Mi favorita es la del gobio, estos peces me tienen cautivada. Tienen una gran habilidad para posar delante del fotógrafo, y su variedad de colores hace que las fotos salgan estupendas.
Feliz lunes, el próximo fin de semana, toca mar de nuevo.
The days before the wedding are making a little complicated to update frequently. I think it is becoming quite obvious that the wedding will be in Cantabria, because lately I am spending many post in northern Spain.
I've said many times, but I find a sea of Cantabria fun, and it's an opportunity to see a variety of life.
A week ago, again we were diving with Buceo Pedreña, the truth is that we were not very lucky with the visibility, but despite the swell had a chance to take a snapshot curious. Here I leave you some. My favorite is the goby, these fish have captivated me. They have a great ability to pose in front of the photographer, and their variety of colors make the pictures come out great.
Happy Monday, the next weekend, diving again.
magníficas, como siempre.Supongo que el "futuro contrario", bucea, no?.