Eso sí, el día que ví su transformación para comer otro bicho, me quedé realmente sorprendida. Su cara se multiplicó por siete, y definitivamente me cautivó para siempre.
Las fotos que os dejo hoy son de Indonesia, pero este verano me han prometido diversos tipos en mi nuevo destino, Cabo Verde. Así que ya estoy sacando brillo al objetivo macro!!
Hacía mucho que no podía escribir, y con este post creo que llegaré a las 10.000 visitas. Muchas gracias por seguirme!!
I really like frog fish. It could be because they are so easy to shoot, their slowly but surely walking on the reef, I like the face that always keep disgruntled, like an underwater Mr. Scrooge, give the impression of being either an alien or a prehistoric animal.
But, the day I saw its transformation to eat another critter, I was really surprised. His face grew sevenfold, and definitely captivated me forever.
The photos that I show you today are from Indonesia, but this summer I have received the promise of several kinds in my new destination, Cape Verde. So I'm polishing the macro lens!
It has been a long time without writting, and with this post I'll get to the 10,000 visitors. Thank you very much for following me!