Y si eso es lo que buscas, además de un buceo excepcional, el Sampaguita Resort lo cubre perfectamente. Cabañas muy cómodas, a menos de 50 metros del mar, sin televisión y con un Internet muy precario, lo que hace que te olvides del resto del mundo.
Un trato cálido y atención constante caracterizan a los empleados, buena comida y un ambiente excepcional. Yo descansé muchísimo, y además, gracias a estar con 20 italianos todo el día, incluso creo que he aprendido un poco de italiano. Es una lástima que esté tan lejos de Cebú, aunque eso hace de el un lugar paradisiaco. Totalmente recomendable y yo repito seguro.
Days before vacation in Sampaguita Resort, I was very overwhelmed. There were intense days at the office, a lot of emails and tension at home, trying to organize a very important event for this summer… Anyway, I needed to disconnect.
And if this is what you need, and in addition an exceptional diving, Sampaguita Resort covers it perfectly. Very comfortables cabins, less than 50 meters from sea, without TV and with a precarious internet, what makes you forget the rest of the world.
Warm treatment and constant attention characterizes the employees, good food and an exceptional atmosphere. I really rest, and besides, thanks of being with 20 Italian divers, I have even learned some Italian. It is very sad to be so far of Cebú, but maybe this makes of it a paradisiacal place. Totally recommendable and I will repeat for sure.